The Lowlanders Calendar


The ARC Lowlanders are the only LGBTQ+ rugby club in the Netherlands. Every year they raise money for the upcoming season to be able to participate in international rugby tournaments. Because of this years ARC Lowlanders 20 year anniversary, 12 different queer photographers were asked to shoot for one of the nude-benefit-calendar months. Shooting for both the M and the F team. 🏉✨

Art direction. graphic design & photography
The Lowlanders

starting point

When asked to participate in this amazing project we directly offered to also organize the overall design of the calendar. We wanted to make a beautiful product with a queer and sporty vibe.


Art direction & design Studio FFF Amsterdam
& Brandon Oelofse

Photographers that participated:
Sunny Jagesar
Annuschka Blommers and Niels Schum
Daantje Bons
Henri Verhoef
Jan Hoek
Suzanne vd Laar
Kevin Scott and Henk Samson
Martijn Mendel
James Djordjevic
Studio FFF
Phillipe Vogelenzang
Jaimy Gail

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